The world of CrossFit and fantasy sports have combined for a fun stunt Reebok has launched for this year’s CrossFit Fantasy Challenge or more formally, the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games Fantasy Pick ‘Em Challenge. Fans pick the winners of three divisions and can win $1 million friggin dollars plus a lot of other (still pretty great) prizes.
To wiPick the top 10 Individual Men, top 10 Individual Women and top 5 Teams. The kicker is it must be done IN ORDER. Scoring is awarded to those who get closest to the final top 10 (and 5 for teams).
For each correct placement, you get 100 points.
If an athlete is one placement away, you get 50 points. Two away, 20 points. Three away, 10 points.
With 25 total picks required, there are 2,500 points available. If anyone can correctly pick the perfect bracket, [easy-tweet tweet=”Reebok will pay you $1 Million if you can pick 2017 CrossFit Games Winners!” via=”no” usehashtags=”no”]
In James Hobart’s words:
Perfect gets you the $1Million, but even if you don’t hit that, entrants in United States and Canada will receive prizes for the top 3 entries:
The overall winner of the CrossFit Fantasy Challenge will receive a Dream Gym Package from Rogue Fitness worth $20,000.
Second place will receive a Rogue Home Gym along, a 1-year gym membership, 1-year supply of Whole Foods groceries, 1-year supply of FitAid and a $1,000 gift card.
Third place will receive two tickets to the 2018 CrossFit Games and a $500 Reebok gift card.
Reebok will also award the top 3 in the UK and in Australia separately.
I won’t be the math geek in the back of the class on this but the odds are…they’re not good, guys. However, – it’s free so get over to and get your Ducktales on.
Entries are due Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 11:59pm EST.
Share this and tell us who YOU think will win each division this year!
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