by xplortriib | Jan 26, 2017 | Blog, Workout Programming
ACH Processing – Member Setup Triib offers both credit card and ACH (e-check) processing for US Based Gyms. Credit cards, when they are added to an account, are able to be used immediately for processing, while ACH accounts must be verified through a...
by xplortriib | Jan 10, 2017 | Blog, Workout Programming
Today we’re pleased to introduce Triib Programs. Triib Programs are a straight forward way to set access restrictions to classes and programming based on membership types and attendance packs! This update makes it so that: You can restrict memberships/attendance...
by xplortriib | Jan 6, 2017 | Blog, Workout Programming
This Friday, January 6th, 2017, TRIIB is excited to offer Integrated Websites with our all-new Premium offering! Our new Integrated Site feature that comes with TRIIB Premium, allows you the ability to take full advantage of all of our TRIIB Standard gym membership...
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